Council Update - Mental Health

Mental Health

We are now only a few weeks into a new year, but we can all agree that it is going to be another strange one. Collectively, we are trying to move forward in a world where change can feel like the only constant. It is unsettling to realize that we have made it through the past two years of the pandemic, yet COVID-19 is still with us. Add on to this the fact that we are currently working without a new Collective Agreement, waiting for Bell to come to the table without Maintenance of Activities agreement demands, respecting our full right to strike in the event of a breakdown in negotiations.

The most important thing that your union would like to say to you right now is that you are not alone. Let us be considerate of each other, while at the same time strong and determined in our resolve to be treated with respect in the workplace. We have all experienced changes that Bell has imposed on our jobs under their, “right to manage,” that have caused many of us undue amounts of stress. And no, the union does not, “sign off,” on any of these changes, and when informed, the details are lacking. This never becomes apparent until they are rolled out in full to the affected departments, despite what may be suggested in pre-shift or tailgate meetings. We continue to grieve violations of the collective agreement regularly, as well as fight against Bell’s, “re-interpretations,” of articles that have both decades of past-practice and strong unambiguous language. This is who we are dealing with, and the only tools available to us are the same as any union—file grievances and go to arbitration. In years past, union leaders were often able to pick up the phone and contact managers or the human resources department to settle issues, as we both shared a common goal and a working respect for each other. Today, this has sadly vanished.

This brings us to today, January 26th, “Bell Let’s Talk Day”. While this initiative has served a great purpose in getting people to talk about mental health issues and has raised a considerable amount of money for Canadian mental health programs, it can be a difficult day for many of us who work for Bell and struggle with anxiety and mental health issues exacerbated by aggressive sales targets and ever-growing workload expectations. We want you to know that your union is understanding of these increasing workplace stressors and encourages people to reach out when levels of stress become too overwhelming.

Finally, please know that your union remains strong and is committed to getting all members a new and fair contract. Working in Solidarity with thousands of Unifor members from Bell Clerical in Central Canada, we look forward to getting to the bargaining table and ensuring a strong framework and mutually agreed upon language that will allow us to partner together in growing the business for the good of both Bell and our membership.

In Solidarity,

Jeff Nelson; Lee Pearce; Sandy Brideau; Faith Chaisson; Susan Rice;

Christina Mill; Stéphane Lamoureux, Cullen Bolger, Roch Leblanc

Council Update - Dec 8


We are now approaching the end of the year and with that, the expiration of our current Collective Agreement with Bell Canada (December 31, 2021).

Unifor ACL would simply like to remind members that we will continue to work under the existing Collective Agreement going forward until such time as we ratify a new agreement.

As was mentioned on the previous Bulletin to members sent out on November 8, 2021, Bell has failed to provide us with the necessary information on the current location of our former work and has yet to agree to our terms on a Maintenance of Activity Agreement. In absence of such an agreement, the Canadian Industrial Relations Board will have to rule on the matter. The absence of these two crucial elements is preventing us from commencing negotiations.

This Bulletin is being sent only to the personal email addresses of members and will continue to be the practice, up to and including bargaining.

If you received this email from a friend and have yet to supply a personal address to the Union, please do so by contacting your Local at a phone number listed below.



LOCAL 506 – NEW BRUNSWICK 506 634 8810

LOCAL 2289 - NOVA SCOTIA 902 425 2440

Finally, from our locals (401,410,506,2289), and our Unifor Atlantic Council please have a safe and happy Holidays.

In Solidarity:

Jeff Nelson; Lee Pearce; Sandy Brideau; Faith Chaisson; Susan Rice

Jennifer Pauley; Stéphane Lamoureux; Cullen Bolger; Roch Leblanc

Council Update - Nov 12


On October 13, 2021, Unifor Atlantic Locals (401,410,506,2289) posted on their websites, a message from your Bargaining Committee explaining why negotiations with Bell Canada are currently delayed. Please refer to your local’s website for details.


As most may remember, during our last round of bargaining with Bell in 2017-2018, the Union had in place a Mobilization Committee that co-ordinated actions which were designed to show support for the Bargaining team up to and including ratification of the current Collective Agreement. Those actions included regular bargaining updates and “Red Shirt Days”, where members wore red Unifor T-shirts on designated days, again, in support of the bargaining team.

Currently, Unifor National is coordinating a campaign with the goal of protecting telecom jobs in Canada. The link for that information can be found below.


When bargaining does finally begin with a “Maintenance of activities” agreement in place, we will once again be looking to the membership for it’s full support. To ensure that you receive all communications from the Union during negotiations be sure that you give a personal email address to your Local to be included on the list for bargaining updates. Each Locals telephone number is listed below.



LOCAL 506 – NEW BRUNSWICK 506 634 8810

LOCAL 2289 - NOVA SCOTIA 902 425 2440

We will not be communicating with the membership via Bell’s work email server during Negotiations.


Members are once again contacting the Union about being told they must work mandatory overtime. As a reminder, Article 23.02 restrict the company’s ability to ask our members to work more than 8 hours of Overtime in a scheduling period

The Union has regularly been stating to Bell that departments are understaffed, and this has been the root cause of most of the complaints we receive daily. Complaints including the call for mandatory overtime, the limited ability to access banked time, the low number of members off at one time for vacation, and the high number of staff temporary reassignments, to name but a few.

When bargaining does finally commence, the Unions position on addressing the issue of understaffing in Atlantic Canada is that we must grow the bargaining unit and eliminate the increasing use of contractors that are replacing members we lose through attrition.


Contact your shop steward if you believe there are violations of the Collective Agreement in your workplace.

In Solidarity:

Jeff Nelson; Lee Pearce; Sandy Brideau; Faith Chaisson; Susan Rice

Jennifer Pauley; Stéphane Lamoureux; Cullen Bolger; Roch Leblanc